THANK YOU so much for such an amazing virtual macaron class last night.
The team had so much fun and it was all we could speak about today.
Fun fact: macarons are one of my favorite things and I have wanted to
try them for ages but never mustered up the courage until last night.
You've now unleashed a macaron beast. :)
- Lindsay C, Salesforce
Macarons or cocktails, we believe food and drink are the perfect blank canvas to exercise creativity. We’ll help your team connect virtually as we stoke the creative flame within each member.
We are proudly woman-owned and operated, but curate experiences to delight all genders and ages. We believe everybody is creative, but sometimes just needs a little encouragement (which often comes in the form of edible glitter or tequila). We happily sift powdered sugar around the clock to light that creative fire within each of our guests.
We’ll dazzle with edible metallic paints, sugared crystals, perfectly “footed” macaron shells, and mind-blowingly delicious buttercream. But the real magic? That comes when our guests engage with these materials and explore parts of their creativity they didn’t know existed. Post event, you’ll get emails from attendees oozing over what a unique experience it was. We guarantee it.