Shoo Fly (DIY An Effective Fruit Fly Trap)

The fruit fly motel—they check in, but they don’t check out. 

It’s summer, you probably have nectarines ripening on the counter and cherries in a cute little bowl reminding you . . . Hello!! It’s almost August!!  But with the beautiful, juicy goodness comes. . . their buggy, but harmless counterpart: the fruit fly.  And unfortunately, they don’t travel solo. 


After trying several homemade remedies, I found one that was particularly effective (and required only basic ingredients I already had).

If you’re plagued, give it a whirl.  Let us know how many you catch—so far thirteen have taken residency chez moi and I haven’t seen a single one buzzin’ since.




  1. Using a hammer and nails, poke small holes in the lid of a mason jar.

  2. Fill jar with 1/4 cup vinegar (ideally Apple Cider vinegar - the sweetness attracts the flies) and a dash of liquid dish soap (the soap weighs down their wings and keeps them from flying out—I apologize).

  3. Screw top on jar and place near scene of the crime.