Pink Peppercorn + Herb Crostini


The #1 thing home chefs burn!?  Crostini!  Because it’s so simple, it’s easy put it in the oven, not set a timer—cuz it’s just crostini—and then forget about it (until it’s black).  In my catering days, this happened to me a few times as I nonchalantly popped pan after pan into the oven, and immediately got distracted by guests looking for wine or a place to hang their coat.  Set a timer!

Pink peppercorn adds a fruity, peppery flavor and a bold pop of color (and is often something people haven’t tried before!), and the springy green herbs make it a fun addition as the weather begins to warm up.


FOOD LA LA Recipe: Pink Peppercorn + Herb Crostini

Yields: about 20 crostini


  • 1 baguette

  • 3 TBS olive oil

  • 1 ½ cup ricotta

  • ¼ cup herbs, chopped (I used parsley and chive)

  • 2 TBS Pink peppercorn, crushed

  • Kosher salt and cracked pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Line a baking sheet with parchment.

  2. Cut baguette into ½” angled slices.  Brush each with olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Bake for 8 minutes or until golden.

  3. Remove from oven and let cool slightly.  Top with spoonful of ricotta.

  4. Sprinkle each with herbs, pink peppercorn, salt and cracked pepper.