I once was afraid to carry a tray of full martinis.
During my college summers, I worked as a hostess at one of my favorite fancy seafood restaurants in Seattle. If guests went to the bar for martinis before their table was ready. . .
As we reflect on 2018 and list our ideas to better ourselves in 2019, I offer this: A New Year is a perfect time to make these big plans—I’ve always loved annual goal setting and the satisfaction of reviewing last year’s achievements—but our daily choices (even if we make them in July) have so much more power than a long list or vision board we peek at once a month.
I’ve always wanted to be Oprah (for many, obvious, more important reasons). But how fun would it be to gift your tribe with ALL your favorite things?! As much as I love you, it’s just not in the budget this year (stick with me though, people). So in lieu, I’ll share my secret sources and favorite products—for gifts and stocking stuffers—that light me up on a daily basis.
Earlier in the summer I was recruited by The Stylist LA and Wine Country Colbert Group to host an intimate dinner party at a beautiful home in Sonoma for some of the ladies from The Bachelor
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